What is Universal Design for Learning?

In a nutshell, UDL is embedded support that is built in before the student needs it for all student “ultimately a proactive not a reactive”
Universal Design for Learning provides an excellent framework for curriculum design and technology infusion. Use the following resources to learn more about UDL and how you can use UDL as a guide for technology integration in the classroom.
National Center on Universal Design for Learning - http://www.udlcenter.org/ . new UDL center at CAST
UDL Guidelines - http://www.cast.org/publications/UDLguidelines/version1.html . guidelines to help in designing flexible curricula.
CAST UDL Learning Tools - http://www.cast.org/learningtools/index.html . extensive online collection of tools, such as the CAST Science Writer, to support learning
Computer Based Study Strategies - http://cate.uoregon.edu . excellent resource on strategies that benefit all students
UDL Toolkit - http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/ . great resources to support Universal Design for Learning in your classroom
AT and UDL - http://teachingeverystudent.blogspot.com . great collection of information and ideas on teaching every student
HIAT - http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/hiat/websites/ . collection of web resources that can help with creating a universal design for learning environment
Universal Design for Learning provides an excellent framework for curriculum design and technology infusion. Use the following resources to learn more about UDL and how you can use UDL as a guide for technology integration in the classroom.
National Center on Universal Design for Learning - http://www.udlcenter.org/ . new UDL center at CAST
UDL Guidelines - http://www.cast.org/publications/UDLguidelines/version1.html . guidelines to help in designing flexible curricula.
CAST UDL Learning Tools - http://www.cast.org/learningtools/index.html . extensive online collection of tools, such as the CAST Science Writer, to support learning
Computer Based Study Strategies - http://cate.uoregon.edu . excellent resource on strategies that benefit all students
UDL Toolkit - http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/ . great resources to support Universal Design for Learning in your classroom
AT and UDL - http://teachingeverystudent.blogspot.com . great collection of information and ideas on teaching every student
HIAT - http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/hiat/websites/ . collection of web resources that can help with creating a universal design for learning environment